Pet photography tips

Waverley and Calvin's session at home
26 June, 2024
Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of photographing Waverley and her Thoroughbred gelding, Calvin, for the second time. This session took place at his new agistment property near Camden. Despite th ......
Beginners guide to taking action shots of your dog
29 January, 2024
I know there are a lot of hobby photographers and enthusiastics who follow me, and are aolways asking for tips on how to improve their photos. So, here is the first in my series of beginner tips, star.....
My 5 top tips for better pet photography
14 June, 2023
Capturing beautiful moments with your furry companions is a delightful way to cherish and remember them. Thanks to the advanced camera capabilities of modern smartphones like the iPhone, you no longer ......
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