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Edge's private photo session at home

19 January, 2022

It only took 3 years but Rachel and I FINALLY didn’t have Covid restrictions, rain or an injured horse cancel our photo session. Yay!

Edge is such a beautiful soul, an ex-police horse who made me work extra hard to get those ears forward. Lucky for me, I had my handy dandy iPhone app with hundreds of pre-recorded horse sounds that worked a treat!

Rachel wanted Edge to be the centre of attention at our photo session, so we started off with some posed images in his paddock, then moved on to the driveway and finished up with some action images back in his paddock.

Here is what Rachel quickly said about her images:

“I just got home and downloaded them onto my laptop! I love them Allira! ???? Thank you so much!!”

Edge's private photo session at home
Edge's private photo session at home
Edge's private photo session at home
Edge's private photo session at home
Edge's private photo session at home
Edge's private photo session at home
Edge's private photo session at home
Edge's private photo session at home

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