Sometimes you just need to do something creative for the fun of it. And that's exactly what I did with Louise and Amelia.
At the end of last year I purchased a brand new camera. It's been almost 10 years since my last big camera purchase, and I was way overdue for an upgrade. I purchase a new mirrorless camera from Canon, the R5 to be specific. It was a huge upgrade from my original camera, with a lot more features and an amazing video mode. To be honest, video scares me a bit. I've been to TAFE and studied my Cert 4 and Diploma in Photoimaging, but I have never touched video. With the demand of video rising I had to get my butt into gear, which is where Louise and Amelia came in with their noble steeds.
I needed to do something creative and fun, while practising flicking between photo and video mode on my camera. Friend and local photographer Brooklyn from BMG Photography had also purchased the same camera, and came along to also get the hang of the video functions.
Louise with her mare Macy and Amelia with her little gelding Archie were superstars for us, walking, trotting, cantering and petting their ponies when directed. The weather was touch and go all day, but we stuck it out and had the most stunning sunset.
Here are just a few of my images from the session, and I'll be posting the videos on social media throughout the year.
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Louise and Amelia's photo session at home
31 August, 2022

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